Singing Guide: P J Harvey

Singing Guide: P J Harvey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

P J Harvey is an iconic singer-songwriter known for her dynamic voice and unique sound. Harvey's music is not easy to categorize, and her vocal style is a good example of how her work defies conventions.

Harvey's voice is a mix of raw power and breathy sensitivity. Her music often features haunting melodies and lyrics that are both deeply personal and socially conscious. Harvey has a distinctive vocal technique that's worth examining in detail. Here are some techniques she employs that budding singers can study:

PJ Havery Vocal Techniques


Harvey is a master of articulation, where she emphasizes words by extending or shortening them. This technique can be seen in "Sheela-Na-Gig".

Use of falsetto

PJ uses her falsetto frequently, one fine example being "Big Exit".

Utilization of dynamics

Her versatile voice has the ability to shift from soft and whispery to brash and sassy in an instant. The song Down by the Water is a fantastic example of this.

Use of breathing

In many of her compositions, Harvey uses her breath to create an intimate connection with her listeners.

Voice Registers

Harvey also employs the use of switching between her chest voice and falsetto, as seen in songs such as "The Wind", "Good Fortune" and "Dry".

Now that we've gone over Harvey's unique vocal style, let's take a look at how you can improve your own singing skills in a way that's similar to hers. Here are some resources from Singing Carrots that can help you achieve your goal:


Read "Breathing Basics" to perfect your breathing technique to fuel your voice. Use Farinelli Breathing exercise to get a good grasp.


Harvey’s tone and articulation are two of her defining features. "Articulation" covers a range of vocal techniques you can use to make your words just as expressive.

Warming up and scales

PJ's voice is also renowned for its wide range. Take our Vocal range test to determine your vocal range, where you can compare it with famous artists. To improve your range and agility, use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training.


The way you position your body also has a significant impact on your singing. Check out "How posture affects your singing" to learn the correct posture.

Developing your own style

It is important to eventually narrow down your own voice instead of just copying your favorite singer. "How to find your own authentic voice" is an insightful article addressing just this.


Harvey has also proven herself as a dynamic live performer. If you need help in this regard, take a look at "Tips for performing on stage" or even "How to overcome stage fright".

Harvey is known for having a versatile voice that reflects the mood and emotion of her songs. She also pairs incredible vocals with evocative lyrics and clever arrangements. With practice and the help of Singing Carrots' training resources, you can work towards developing a similar vocal style and create music that is uniquely your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.